
Winter Magic

Borowski light objects in the snow-covered park

Winter Magic with Outdoor Objects

Light objects and outdoor sculptures in the snow

End of January 2023: A brief snow interlude has transformed the park at Gut Wintermühlenhof into a winter wonderland. Everything is covered in a thick white blanket of snow, against which bushes and trees stand out in gray-brown shades. The January sun faintly sparkles through the branches, casting long shadows. It’s a magically quiet yet somewhat melancholic world, if it weren’t for a few bird-like companions with comical round eyes stretching their brightly red beaks out of the snow flurry … Discover how cool our OUTDOOR OBJECTS handle ice and snow. Adorned with white snow caps and coats, they present an unusual sight that brings a smile to our faces. Enjoy and find inspiration on your winter hike through our photo gallery!